Tag archives for India
Learn How to Create an Interactive Map of India Using HTML5/JavaScript and SVG
Ever heard of SVG? This acronym may not mean anything to you, but it's an essential format to master if you want to use vector graphics on Web pages. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. SVG is an XML-based ASCII data format designed to describe vector graphics. SVG is specified by the World Wide Consortium and has been around since…
Say hello to World’s cheapest Android smartphone on sale for $3.67 : the Freedom 251
Everyone is gearing up for Mobile World Congress 2016 but the real news of the week comes from India with announcement of the Worlds’s cheapest Android smartphone that is now on sale for $ ! No mistake in the price, no carrier contract subsidised, the price is really $ ! The Freedom 251, in reference to its price (251…
Welcome to the latest Android One baby : Lava Pixel V1 for India !
Google continues its efforts with Android One to deliver high quality device to low price. Android One family welcomes a new baby called Lava Pixel V1 available for India. This new device comes with Android Lollipop, the latest and the fastest version of Android. Google ensures also that devices part of Android One program will get automatically new version just…