Tag archives for Frame


Learn to count like in the past with an Abacus

The Abacus is a calculating tool, also called a counting frame, that was used in Europe, China, Japan and Russia, centuries before the adoption of the written Hindu-Arabic numeral system. There are two categories of Abacuses : those in base 10 well known in Europe and Russia in which each wire has 10 beads. Each bead represents, according the wire where…
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Create a frame animation in XML on Android

Android offers to developers a great Animation API that lets them to create easily frame animation in XML or programmatically. In the following tutorial, you’re going to learn how to create a frame animation in XML. For this tutorial, we’re going to use a monster character that we want to animate. Get the frames of the monster’s animation The following…
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Learn to make a frame animation with a character sprite in Android

Android provides a convenient way to make frame animation via XML or programmatically. API is very clear and powerful. In the following example, we’re going to animate a character sprite programmatically via this API. Character sprite bitmap First, we need to get a character sprite bitmap. Here, we choose the classic grossini dance : Each frame has the following dimensions…
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