Tag archives for Animation


Learn to create the game “Spin The Bottle” on Android

What is better that creating some funny games to learn the basics of Android development ? Today, you’re going to discover more on the Android Animation API by creating the game “Spin The Bottle”. Note that you can discover this tutorial in video on Youtube too : Spin the bottle is a party game in which several players sit/stand/kneel in…
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Learn to create a Flip Coin Application on Android

When you start to learn Android Development, it can be interesting to make some little and fun applications. It’s good to motivate yourself and it is also a great way to discover some specific part of the Android SDK. Today, I propose you to create a Flip Coin Application on Android to help you to discover how to use the…
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Create a Running Man Game Animation on Android

Making a Running Man Animation on Android is a great way to learn how to work with Bitmaps, Thread and SurfaceView. First thing to make a Running Man Game Animation is to have a character to animate. For that, we will use the following sprite sheet : Like you can see, our character sprite sheet has 8 frames. Each frame…
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Create a frame animation in XML on Android

Android offers to developers a great Animation API that lets them to create easily frame animation in XML or programmatically. In the following tutorial, you’re going to learn how to create a frame animation in XML. For this tutorial, we’re going to use a monster character that we want to animate. Get the frames of the monster’s animation The following…
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Learn to make a frame animation with a character sprite in Android

Android provides a convenient way to make frame animation via XML or programmatically. API is very clear and powerful. In the following example, we’re going to animate a character sprite programmatically via this API. Character sprite bitmap First, we need to get a character sprite bitmap. Here, we choose the classic grossini dance : Each frame has the following dimensions…
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