
Create an Android Weather app step by step – Part 1

In this tutorial serie, you're going to learn how to create an Android Weather app step by step. You could already see the final result of the tutorial :  Current Weather Forecasts The goal is to show you the following steps for the creation of our Android Weather app : Step 1 : Design Step 2 : Architecture Step 3…
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How to pick an image from Gallery and use it in Android ?

In Android applications, it can be useful to offer users the possibility to pick an image from their Gallery. When image is picked, you can then use it in a wallpaper for example or to work on the image depending the purpose of your application. To achieve that, you must first launch the intent ACTION_PICK to let OS prompt dialog…
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Is Java pass parameters by value or by reference ?

Today, we go back to the basics and we’re going to understand to a simple but sometimes hard to answer for some developers. Are Java parameters passed by value or by reference ? Before to answer, it seems important to define what is the difference between these two kinds of methods to pass arguments in methods. From Wikipedia, we get the…
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App Reviews

Let your Kids have fun with Coloring Book For Kids

Do you remember the old time when you use your pencil to draw an color coloring books ? It was always a good moment that you use to learn coloring an different shapes. Problem was always the same : when image was colored and filled, fun was ended ! Smartphones has many purposes and among these, you can use to…
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Samsung Galaxy A3 and A5 available in Europe : Success or Fail ?

Samsung's mid-range, all metal, Galaxy A3 and A5 smartphones are now available for sale in Europe. Both smartphones were available in Asia countries since several months. They are among slimmest Samsung smartphones available and make part of new plan of Samsung to reduce range of smartphones in 2015. Samsung Galaxy A3 comes with a " qHD Super AMOLDE display and…
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Google research market share fall to lowest since 2008 in US

According Stat Counter, Google research market share fall to its lowest level since 2008 in US. Thus, in December 2014, it falls to Google is always largely leader on research in US but we can see the first effects of the new deal between Mozilla and Yahoo with Firefox that changed its default search engine from Google to Yahoo in…
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Samsung plans to launch a round-dial smartwatch at MWC

Samsung has been a precursor in smatwatch world with its Samsung Galaxy Gear. This smartwatch has a square face and now, it seems that round design, that is more classical for a watch, be the preferred display for users.     Thus, LG and Motorola who launched round dial have had a great success with. LG G Watch R (R…
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Learn to consume a REST Web Service and parse JSON result in Android

In mobiles applications, very often you should get data from a Web Service to update content displayed to users. For example, you can imagine a weather application that needs to request weather data from a remote server. Content getted can be under different formats but JSON format is one of the most used format with REST Web Service. So, you're…
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