Archives for Android - Page 7
Create an Audio Recorder on Android
Android SDK has a lot of possibilities to take profit of the smartphones features. Amongst them, there are the possibilities to record and play audio. Today, you are going to learn how to create an Audio Recorder on Android by using the MediaRecorder API provided in Android SDK. This tutorial is also available in video on Youtube : Part 1…
Create a Running Man Game Animation on Android
Making a Running Man Animation on Android is a great way to learn how to work with Bitmaps, Thread and SurfaceView. First thing to make a Running Man Game Animation is to have a character to animate. For that, we will use the following sprite sheet : Like you can see, our character sprite sheet has 8 frames. Each frame…
Discover Google Pixel and Pixel XL, the smartphones made by Google
Google has just unveiled its first smartphones made by Google yesterday. Technically, they are made by HTC, but from a marketing perspective, they are all Google. So, they are running the latest Android version Nougat. Furthermore, Google has also put some magic inside and will assume the client relation. Named Google Pixel and Google Pixel XL, both devices have flagship…
Create a Blur Effect on Android with RenderScript
In image processing, a Blur Effect, also known as Gaussian Blur, is the result of blurring an image by applying a Gaussian function. The Blur Effect is widely used in graphics software. In that tutorial, you're going to learn how to apply a Blur Effect on Android by using the RenderScript Library. You can also enjoy this tutorial in video…
Create a Matrix Effect on Android
Also known as Digital Rain Effect, the Matrix Effect is a classic effect featured in the Matrix series films. A green code is falling and represents the activity of the virtual reality environment of the Matrix on screen. On Android, Matrix Effect has been implemented in various applications often as a Live Wallpaper. In that tutorial, you are going to…
Create a Type Writer Effect on Android
In that tutorial, you're going to learn how to create a Type Writer Effect on Android. Like you're going to see, it's really easy to create this cool effect on Android by creating a custom implementation of the TextView component and by using a Handler and its postDelayed method. 1. Create the Type Writer View public class TypeWriter extends…
Manage System Permissions on Android 6 Marshmallow
Beginning in Android 6 Marshmallow, users grand permissions to apps while the app is running, not when they install the app. This approach gives the user more control over the app's functionality. Thus, he can choose to give the access to read contacts but not to the device location. Furthermore, users can revoke the permissions at any time, by going…
Discover the Iris Scanner of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in depth
Unveiled at the beginning of the month, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 features a new exciting feature : an Iris Scanner. This new feature is essential to help users to keep their personal data safe. The Iris Scanner completes other Samsung's security features like the fingerprint scanner and the Knox security platform. Samsung's fingerprint scanner has been widely used to ensure…
Discover the latest info on the Samsung Galaxy Note 7
With the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, Samsung has found the path to success in 2016. Now, it’s time to prepare the following and to anticipate the iPhone 7 that will be announced in September. To fight against the next flagship from Apple, Samsung has planned a Galaxy Note Unpacked event on August 2, 2016. During this event, Samsung will…
Create your first JNI Application on Android with the NDK
Like you must know, Java is the default programming language to make applications on Android. However, Java is not always the best solution for making fast apps, especially if you want to make games. A lot of games’ engines are made directly with C/C++. To let developers to make optimized part of codes in C/C++, Google offers the Android Native…