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First steps with Android Studio IDE

Like you must know, Google officially announced the first release of Android Studio recently. So, Android Studio is the official Android Studio IDE ! Time is come to migrate from Eclipse with ADT (Android Development Tools) to Android Studio IDE. 1. Installation Go on the following URL :   and start to download the Android Studio IDE for your OS. Once…
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How to close and hide the Android software keyboard ?

In an application, when you wait for users input you must use EditText wigdets. When users end their inputs and click OK button, you would like close the Android software keyboard. It's better than asking to users to close software keyboard themselves. Use that snippet code : EditText myEditText = (EditText) findViewById(); InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(); ((), 0);  …
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How to record your screen on Android ?

Android KitKat has introduced the possibility to record the screen of your device but not programmatically. The ability to record the screen of your device comes with an external tool added in ADB (Android Debug Bridge). The ADB is a tool used by developers along with the Android SDK to communictate with a device at the command line level. Record…
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Discover Jack and Jill for Android !

Last week, Google announced the first version of a new experimental toolchain for Android. This new toolchain is designed to improve build times and simplify development by reducing dependencies on others tools. This new toolchain is named Jack (Java Android Compiler Kit) and Jill (Jack Intermediate Library Linker). These two tools are at the core of the build process. How…
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What are differences between px, dp and sp in Android ?

Today, a brief reminder about Android dimensions. When you create the UI layouts of your application, you're used to define dimensions with units like dp (density-independent pixels), dip or sp (scale-independent pixels). Other units supported are pt (points), px (pixels), mm (millimeters) and in (inches) where as this second kind of units is not recommended because not independent from devices…
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How to monetize an Android application ?

For each developer, monetize an application is the big question that should be prepared during conception of an application. Indeed, it’s the best moment to take decision about business model for an application. Several models are possible : Paid model. Users pay one time for your application and after that it’s over. No more revenue. Subscription model. Users pay each…
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