Author Archives: s.saurel - Page 5
Learn to create an Anagram Game for Android
In that tutorial, you are going to learn how to create an Anagram game for Android by using Android Studio. But what is an Anagram ? An anagram is direct word switch or word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once; for…
Learn to get Memory Info at runtime on Android
In that tutorial, you are going to discover how to get Memory Information concerning a smartphone or tablet on Android. In an Android application, you can get information concerning : The available memory on the system The total memory accessible by the kernel The maximum number of bytes the heap can expand to The current number of bytes taken by the…
Learn to display current time in English Words on Android
In that tutorial, you are going to discover how to display the current time in English words on Android. As a developer, you know probably how to get the current time via the standard SDK but do you know how to display this time in English words to let the users to read directly the time on the screen ?…
Evolution of the iPhone through the Ages and what to expect for the iPhone 8
Just this once, we are going to talk about Apple iPhone on the SSaurel's Blog. The iPhone 8 is expected to be launched during the 2017 Fall and we expect some major improvements from the iPhone 7. To better understand the evolution of the iPhone through the Ages, look at this awesome infographic : This infographic lets you to see…
Detect device year class on Android with Facebook Device Year Class
When you make Android applications, it is always useful to know the year class of the running device. Indeed, with that information, you can adapt the behavior of your application to the smartphone or tablet of your users. Obviously, the main goal being to offer them a better experience with your application. For that, Facebook offers Device Year…
Parse and write JSON data in Java with Gson
Nowadays, JSON is the most widespread format to exchange data on the Web. REST Web Services use it. JSON is lighter than XML and lets to save bandwith when you consume this services. In Java, there is a great library named Gson that makes developers' life easier. Created by Google, Gson is open source and available on GitHub here : …
The Ultimate Guide to Java 9
After some months of delays, Java 9 is coming ! Java 9 is attended for general availability On September, 2017. In that article, you’re going to discover the major new features of Java 9. Don’t hesitate to leave me some comments if I forgot some important things. Main Features Java Platform Module System – JSR 376 Process API Updates – JEP…
Transform your Android device into a real Centimeter Ruler to Measure
Sometimes, when you are working on some personal projects you need to measure some small things. Unfortunately, you have nothing on you to measure these small things. So, how can you measure these small things ? By chance, you have always your Android smartphone with you. With My Ruler to Measure offered by SSaurel’s Mobile Apps, you will transform your Android…
Bixby Voice : Full list of commands for the Galaxy S8 and S8+
Samsung has just made available Bixby Voice for US English. In that article, you are going to discover the full list of commands supported by Bixby Voice for the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+. The commands are grouped by categories : Common Commands Open Facebook What time is it? What’s the date today? Turn the volume up/down Restart off my phone…
Recreate the Countdown Math Game on Android
The Countdown Math Game, also known as Good Count Math Game, is a game made famous in England with the TV game show Countdown which started in the sixties and then exported in a lot of countries around the World. The Countdown Math Game involves number puzzles in which you must make arithmetic operations to reach a random target number…